Despite being the family’s fourth generation of coffee farmers, Marcello and Paula have chosen not to cultivate the same land as their parents. They embarked on a long search to find the perfect plot of land that would provide ideal conditions for growing coffee.

Tres Meninas (Three Girls) Farm was established on 54 hectares among coffee trees, nature, work, and happiness. One farm, countless stories and three girls: Paul, Malu and Fefe, who together with Marcelo are sowing the fruits of a new generation.


This coffee offers a very smooth cup of coffee with sweet and gentle notes of chocolate and nuts whilst exhibiting very low levels of acidity. This bean offers a medium-high body. Served with milk it tastes just like a warm chocolate milkshake whilst black it presents as a bold and sweet cup.

This coffee is no doubt a crowd-pleaser, perfect for every morning or evening by the fire.

Espresso recipe

Dose | 21g
Time | 27-30 seconds
Yield | 45g

Filter Recipe

Dose | 20g
Time | 3:00
Total Water Weight | 240g

Batch Brew Recipe

Dose | 115g
EK Grind Size | 10EK
Total Water Weight | 1.8L

b3 Recipe Guide


Finca Loma Pacha, based in the Chalatenango region of El Savlador, is owned and operated by Ulises Lemus. Ulises’ method for his natural processed coffees involves sorting his harvested cherries by ripeness, then drying the ripest cherries on a raised bed for 14-18 days. This processing method is also used on Ulises neighbouring small farm, Finca San Francisco, on which he also grows Pacas varieties.

Ulises works closely with our supplier’s El Salvador staff member, Beto Reyes, to improve his soil management, cherry growing capacity and processing consistency. Living and working full time in El Salvador, Reyes works with many smallholders in the region to produce outstanding microlots and estate coffees. His expertise in agronomy and sensory assessment have directly assisted many farmers in the area, with most farms being only 3.5-10.5 hectares.


Ulises Lemus is best suited to our black coffee drinkers. Its complex acidity, paired with its moreish tea-like body, work together to create a tangy, sweet and juicy cup. While it can be consumed with milk, we find that it tends to get lost in the cup.

For espresso, we found that a heavier extraction draws out more brown sugar and stewed cherry flavours, while quick extractions highlight more of a grapefruit acidity and candied sweetness. Depending on what your preference is, we recommend adjusting your grind setting to get a longer or shorter extraction time. Similarly for filter coffee, you can tweak your brew temperature to highlight more acidity with lower brew temperatures, or more sweetness and body with higher temperatures.


Espresso recipe

Dose | 21g
Time | 27-30 seconds
Yield | 48g

Filter Recipe

Dose | 15g
Time | 2:45
Total Water Weight | 240g

Batch Brew Recipe

Dose | 100g
EK Grind Size | 10EK
Total Water Weight | 1.7L

b3 Recipe Guide




Those who have followed our single origin offerings for a while would recognise the name ‘Asman’ from our previous offerings, and we’ve been impressed once again by those contributing to Asman Gayo Mill. 95% of coffee producers in the Aceh region are smallholders, which makes it difficult for individuals to sell their lots on their own. However, when several members of the Pantan Musara villages process their coffees collectively, they are able to produce larger quantities to sell to the market.

Unlike our previous Asman offering, this coffee has undergone a washed processing method, which is the most common way to process coffee in Sumatra. By taking the cherry from the beans soon after they’ve been picked, the mill is able to dry the coffee at a much faster rate. Sumatra’s climate sees heavy rainfall for most of the year, and the additional moisture puts the beans at risk of developing mould. Luckily for us, the quick and careful turnaround of beans from Asman Gayo Mill not only prevents this from happening, but preserves the high quality standards which this community is known to produce.


Asman Arianto has many of the flavour qualities sought after in Sumatran coffee, including rich cooked fruit, syrupy cola sweetness and a wine-y mouthfeel. However, the cup itself is very clean, and does a great job of balancing the desired flavours without making the cup’s mouthfeel heavy or mucky.

We’ve found that our standard brewing recipes and techniques worked well for this coffee, however you can tweak your brew to favour the syrupy mouthfeel or to favour the mild fruit acidity. We recommend changing your coffee dose for a v60 to make this flavour adjustment, using more coffee for a heavier cup. We would recommend changing your extraction time by adjusting your grind size for a similar flavour adjustment, making your coffee coarser to favour acidity, and finer to favour winey sweetness


Espresso recipe

Dose | 200g
Time | 27-30 seconds
Yield | 48g

Filter Recipe

Dose | 15g
Time | 2:45
Total Water Weight | 240g

Batch Brew Recipe

Dose | 100g
EK Grind Size | 10EK
Total Water Weight | 1.7L

b3 Recipe Guide



Husband and wife team, Oscar and Francisca Chacón, are the duo responsible for this wonderful coffee. Grown in Central Valley, the coffee is processed in their mill, Las Lajas. The Chacón family also own 8 of the surrounding Costa Rican farms, contributing 30 hectares of coffee production to the mill. If you’ve been following our single origin selection for a while, you’ll recognise Las Lajas as the name we gave another coffee we featured from the same operation.

 The specialty coffee movement in Costa Rica has produced some astonishing coffees, and Las Lajas continues to commit to high quality. Producing some of the world’s best natural and honey processed coffees, the farm is a prime example of the resilience coffee farmers demonstrate in order to adapt to constant changes in climate and politics. They have, in the last few years, invested back into their quality control spaces, and have purchased their own roaster.


Cumbres De Poas is full bodied, smooth and sweet, a perfect combination for all cups of coffee. With milk you’ll get notes of sweet dark chocolate, while black presents a more toffee-like sweetness and clean fruit flavours. The boldness of this coffee comes with its processing method. Like our previous coffees which used similar fermentation practices, we would recommend dialling back your extraction variables a little bit for this bean.

As both espresso and filter, this coffee can be overwhelming if over extracted, and it doesn’t take as much effort to pull out its flavour. If brewing a v60, consider lowering your brew temperature and limiting the amount of agitation you apply with pouring, swirling and stirring. For espresso, consider lowering your coffee dose for a less intense cup.


Espresso recipe

Dose | 20g
Time | 26-28 seconds
Yield | 45g

Filter Recipe

Dose | 15g
Time | 2:45
Total Water Weight | 250g

Batch Brew Recipe

Dose | 100g
EK Grind Size | 11EK
Total Water Weight | 1.8L

b3 Recipe Guide



Nestled in Huila, Colombia is Finca Buena Vista, a farm owned and operated by Jorge Enrique Solarte. Jorge began producing coffee in 2010, trialling different coffee varieties and developing his approach to land maintenance and production. He now successfully grows Caturra, Pink Bourbon and Colombia varieties on the two hectares he runs.

Jorge processes his coffee using the washed method. While this method of processing isn’t uncommon for Colombian coffee, each producer varies their production method to best suit the characteristics of the coffee produced on their specific farm. On Finca Buena Vista, Jorge uses a traditional coffee cherry pulper, ferments his coffee in water tanks for 72-80 hours, washes his beans, and then uses parabolic dryers to dry his coffee on raised beds. The investment in the quick turnaround of his coffee prevents it from developing undesirable flavours from drying in a humid environment, and creates a delicate, sweet and nuanced cup at the end.


Jorge Solarte is packed with many delicate flavours to find, ranging from dried mango, sweet chocolate, to jammy fruit and jasmine tea. We love being able to explore all the different qualities this coffee has to offer through brewing, though we preferred this coffee without milk.

For a more tea-like experience, we would recommend using a v60 and a higher water yield to highlight crisp fruit acidity and a mellow mouthfeel. Lowering your yield will intensify the dried yellow fruit flavours. As espresso, we intensified the chocolate sweetness by increasing our dose and extraction time. For a more fruit-forward espresso, we would recommend using a coarser grind setting to highlight more mellow acidity in the cup.


Espresso recipe

Dose | 21g
Time | 26-29 seconds
Yield | 45g

Filter Recipe

Dose | 15g
Time | 2:45
Total Water Weight | 250g

Batch Brew Recipe

Dose | 100g
EK Grind Size | 10EK
Total Water Weight | 1.8L

b3 Recipe Guide



Nestled in Huila, Colombia is Finca Buena Vista, a farm owned and operated by Jorge Enrique Solarte. Jorge began producing coffee in 2010, trialling different coffee varieties and developing his approach to land maintenance and production. He now successfully grows Caturra, Pink Bourbon and Colombia varieties on the two hectares he runs.

Jorge processes his coffee using the washed method. While this method of processing isn’t uncommon for Colombian coffee, each producer varies their production method to best suit the characteristics of the coffee produced on their specific farm. On Finca Buena Vista, Jorge uses a traditional coffee cherry pulper, ferments his coffee in water tanks for 72-80 hours, washes his beans, and then uses parabolic dryers to dry his coffee on raised beds. The investment in the quick turnaround of his coffee prevents it from developing undesirable flavours from drying in a humid environment, and creates a delicate, sweet and nuanced cup at the end.


Jorge Solarte is packed with many delicate flavours to find, ranging from dried mango, sweet chocolate, to jammy fruit and jasmine tea. We love being able to explore all the different qualities this coffee has to offer through brewing, though we preferred this coffee without milk.

For a more tea-like experience, we would recommend using a v60 and a higher water yield to highlight crisp fruit acidity and a mellow mouthfeel. Lowering your yield will intensify the dried yellow fruit flavours. As espresso, we intensified the chocolate sweetness by increasing our dose and extraction time. For a more fruit-forward espresso, we would recommend using a coarser grind setting to highlight more mellow acidity in the cup.


Espresso recipe

Dose | 21g
Time | 26-29 seconds
Yield | 45g

Filter Recipe

Dose | 15g
Time | 2:45
Total Water Weight | 250g

Batch Brew Recipe

Dose | 100g
EK Grind Size | 10EK
Total Water Weight | 1.8L

b3 Recipe Guide



Los Madrigal, named after the micromill at which this coffee was processed, is the coffee harvested across Diego Armando Madrigal Ureña’s farms. Diego and his brother inherited the farms from their grandfather at ages 11 and 13, and continue to operate the 25 hectares and the Micromill in Tarrazú, Costa Rica. Passionate about reforestation and environmentally sustainable growing practices, the duo plan to renew their existing coffee trees, and plant new varieties as new opportunities present themselves.

This coffee was produced using natural processing, which involved drying the coffee cherries on raised African drying beds. The high elevation of Tarrazú, in conjunction with carefully monitored harvesting practices, have allowed this coffee to showcase the bright, crisp fruit flavours this coffee has to offer. Cafe Imports, our green bean supplier for this coffee, aims to work with the same micromills annually for the purpose of establishing long lasting business partnerships, and for building on the quality from previous harvests.


Los Madrigal emphasises all of the best qualities which Costa Rican coffees have to offer. This particular coffee features bright and juicy fruit acidity, a bold and winey mouthfeel, and a smooth cacao body. We particularly enjoy how versatile this coffee is, presenting itself well as a filter coffee, as an espresso, and in a milk-based beverage.

For milk-based beverages, we would recommend reducing the yield to intensify your espresso and balance out the brightness of the acidity. Using a higher yield will highlight more orange flavours and add complexity to your espresso’s milk chocolate undertones. For v60s, we would recommend using low agitation during your brew, as this coffee extracts easily. If you want to change the balance between your acidity and body, we’d recommend adjusting your brew temperature to achieve this instead. Use hotter brewing water to get a higher extraction, and cooler brewing water for higher acidity.


Espresso recipe

Dose | 21g
Time | 27-30 seconds
Yield | 48g

Filter Recipe

Dose | 20g
Time | 2:30-2:45
Total Water Weight | 320g

Batch Brew Recipe

Dose | 115g
EK Grind Size | 11EK
Total Water Weight | 1.8L

b3 Recipe Guide


Despite being the family’s fourth generation of coffee farmers, Marcello and Paula have chosen not to cultivate the same land as their parents. They embarked on a long search to find the perfect plot of land that would provide ideal conditions for growing coffee.

Tres Meninas (Three Girls) Farm was established on 54 hectares among coffee trees, nature, work, and happiness. One farm, countless stories and three girls: Paul, Malu and Fefe, who together with Marcelo are sowing the fruits of a new generation.


This coffee offers a very smooth cup of coffee with sweet and gentle notes of chocolate and nuts whilst exhibiting very low levels of acidity. This bean offers a medium-high body. Served with milk it tastes just like a warm chocolate milkshake whilst black it presents as a bold and sweet cup.

This coffee is no doubt a crowd-pleaser, perfect for every morning or evening by the fire.

Espresso recipe

Dose | 21g
Time | 27-30 seconds
Yield | 45g

Filter Recipe

Dose | 20g
Time | 3:00
Total Water Weight | 240g

Batch Brew Recipe

Dose | 115g
EK Grind Size | 10EK
Total Water Weight | 1.8L

b3 Recipe Guide